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Kat Hoerth

Kat Hoerth

Associate Creative Director

Cathe joined Pursuant in 2013. Since 2000, she has worked with dozens of nonprofit organizations as a copywriter and creative director to blend direct response best practices with the organization’s unique voice. She has worked with organizations ranging from homeless shelters to radio ministries to research hospitals. One organization even asked her to write a book for them! Cathe’s goal is to create communications that motivate donors to become long-term supporters. She’s passionate about treating donors with respect and speaking to them rather than at them. In addition to strategic planning, creative brainstorming, and writing the copy, she enjoys teaching others the “how” and “why” behind good storytelling and copywriting.

Why do you do what you do?

Nonprofit organizations do amazing things and our world would be a much darker place without them. But many struggle to communicate what they do in a way that people outside their organization can understand and relate to. I’m good at “translating” and I enjoy helping nonprofits see how they can re-frame their messaging to encourage support.

When Not Fundraising, I'm usually…

In my foster kitten room with a litter of barn kittens, semi-ferals, or an abuse case, rehabilitating them into house pets. It’s endlessly challenging (and frequently smelly and gross) but every one I can salvage is another one that gets to brighten an adopter’s life.